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Mutiara Kata

ひらがな and カタカナ

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Memorize Chart : Romanji,Hiragana & Katakana

MY: Carta Romanji,Hiragana dan Katakana
EN: Romanji,Hiragana and Katakana Chart

This Chart include :  Monographs (gojuuon) and Diacritics (gojuuon with (han)dakuten)

Before that..
*This is Simple Symbol on hiragana & katakana,if something is missing please go to Wikipedia 
*All information Japanese symbol was taken from Wikipedia.
*Last of all,this is just a memorize chart,for a formal chart see here : Click here

So How to use this Chart ?
  • First of all,i'm not a Japanese.Thus i'm studying japanese language.
  • The reason i'm make this chart because,for me it's really hard to memorize hiragana & katakana symbol.(Well for some people)
  • Well as the result i'm collecting all hiragana & katakana symbol to see the similarity.
  • By using this method,I can memorize faster and almost all of them in just a week.
Original Hiragana Chart  & Stroke Step
Original Katakana Chart  & Stroke Step
If something wrong with this chart,please let me know :)

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