"Disk formatting is the initial part of the process for Preparing a hard disk or other storage medium for its first use. The disk formatting Includes setting up an empty file system. A disk formatting may set up multiple file systems by formatting partitions for each file system. Disk formatting is also part of a process involving rebuilding an entire disk from scratch."
What is Low Level Format?
- Early hard disks were quite similar to floppies, but low-level formatting was generally done by the BIOS rather than by the operating system. This process INVOLVED using the MS-DOS debug program to transfer control to a routine hidden at different addresses in different BIOS's.
- The low-level format process can wipe out Mushy these sectors and firm up new boundaries in the mud, allowing the drive to perform again as if it were brand new for a while longer. Some older drive utilities such as Spin rite included a sector refreshing function that read and rewrote all sectors to firm up the sector magnetic domains.
In other words, most of the current CMOS does not have Pre-programming for the Low Level Format. Because most of the today "Hard Disk" is totally different. But with Low Level formatting Software most of the "Hard Disk" added to correct boot sector and cluster in the "Hard Disk", and sometimes Low Level formatting Software able to remove and repair the "Bad Sector"
Now there is a software that we use to Low Level formatting Software, it works in the Windows Graphical User Interface.It's also known as "Low Level Format" from
Weakness for the Low Level formatting remains the same,For an example it will take a long time
(depending on the capacity & speed "Hard Disk") to full formatting the disk
(depending on the capacity & speed "Hard Disk") to full formatting the disk
- LLF can also be used for Low Level Format "USB Drive" such as thumb drive or portable hard disk.
- LLF is not only format the partition function, it will formatting the whole "Disk"
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